TAP Order & Acts

Members and Employers can obtain TAP Order & Acts for reference or information here.

Structure of TAP Legislation

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Tabung Amanah Pekerja Board Act, Chapter 246

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National Retirement Scheme Act, Chapter 273

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National Retirement Scheme Rules 2023

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Employee Trust Act, Chapter 167

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Employee Trust (Definition of Employees) Act

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Employee Trust (Rates of Contributions) Regulations

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Employee Trust Rules

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Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust Order, 2009

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Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust (Non-Employee) Order

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Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust Rules

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Employee Trust Act & Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust Order - Amendment 2024

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Employee Trust Act & Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust, Regulation & Rules - Amendment 2024

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